
SFUSD takes a look at jobs for students in 2025

How are current and future trends shaping the world into which San Francisco Unified School District students will graduate over the next 10 years? What knowledge, skills, values and experiences will the SFUSD graduate need to thrive in the San Francisco of tomorrow?
Right now, we are asking community members, parents, students and educators to help us re-imagine public education for a new generation. And we want to hear from you.
I know you see it happening: San Francisco is experiencing rapid growth and change. Those of us who work in and support public education know that the quality of our education system will play a huge role in nurturing the soul of The City and in defining the future of San Francisco.
Public-Education Vision 2025
The time is right to create a transformative and comprehensive new vision for our students — and for the adults who will educate, mentor and employ them in the San Francisco of 2025.
For the past several years, we have been focusing on three ambitious goals (engage high-achieving and joyful learners, make social justice a reality, and keep our promises to students and families) with clear strategies for achieving those goals.
Now, our San Francisco Public Education Vision 2025 process will build off our priorities and help propel us toward even better schools in the future.
We're doing this to increase coherence between these existing goals by placing them in the context of a longer-range vision for public education in San Francisco. We are clarifying the requirements of a premier public school system of the future — one that links student learning with the imperatives of life in a global society.
We have begun working with a broad cross-section of the community to develop a vision in which innovation, community, family, leadership and social justice are seamlessly integrated into the experience of public education in our city.
Co-Constructing the Vision 
Vision 2025 began with an exploration of the social, political, technological and economic forces shaping The City over the next decade. We examined the types of jobs most likely to dominate the Bay Area landscape 10 years from now — many of which, if recent history is any indicator, we can hardly begin to imagine. We then turned to our current students, teachers, parents and outside experts with ties to San Francisco to define the qualities, knowledge and skills that will be most valuable for the SFUSD graduate of the future.
From that, we will create our vision and a financial plan to make it happen. We will define opportunities for investment partners, both traditional and new, to help us make our vision for SFUSD graduates a reality. We will identify clear ways to align the use of public and private dollars to build and maintain the premier school system of the future. In the meantime, we will continue our commitment to building a culture that values accountability for results, reflection and improvement.

