
Future will be about power through people and not over them: Dov Seidman

The word job is not an old word. When people felt that their work could be broken down into bite-sized pieces, they started calling it a job. Most people had task-based jobs, but these are now moving towards value based missions. What we have in the world right now is a jobs crisis. The last few years have been difficult with too many people out of work and what's also troublesome is that 70% of the people are not engaged in the job they do. They are leaning out and some are even sabotaging their company, with many collecting a paycheck but not really contributing in terms of innovation or productivity or job creation. This means that there's a real rupture between the activities that companies are focused on and where people's hearts and minds are, and I think the future of work will have to solve that problem.
To me, when people do not have a career they are invested in, it's a careers crisis, not a jobs crisis. At some level, this is leadership malpractice where people are not inspired to give it their all and this will be one of the major pressure points in the future of work. The other is, in the industrial age, we wanted people to work hard doing the same repetitive tasks over and over again. In a knowledge economy, we want human qualities like collaboration, innovation and creativity and we can't get it using the same approach we used for this quasi-robotic behaviour. We need a fresh approach to leadership in order to bring about this change and that's a challenge. The carrot-and-stick approach can work to extract conventional performance but to inspire human qualities the company needs to be something worthy of their dedication. It needs to have a mission that inspires people and a values-based environment where they feel that decisions are made pursuant to that.
Capitalism is fine, but money has to be a by-product and not the fundamental reason why you are doing it. If money is the fundamental reason, people disengage. Very few people get out of bed to make money for shareholders, but as you scale up, things tend to go wrong and that's employees start to disengage. Johnson & Johnson's credo is to me the single more profound use of the word 'should' in a corporate document. It says that the company's first responsibility is towards the doctors and patients of the world and the communities they serve, and that if they live by these principles, the shareholders should make money.
A few years ago a young schoolgirl Martha Penn didn't like the food being served in her cafeteria and started blogging about it, prompting them to take action. The school now serves healthy food. This is a great story of leadership from a nine-year-old. Her blog says 'I'm a future workforce leader'. That is the future of work and companies need to get ready for that. They have to learn how to have two-way conversations. Earlier, all conversations were one-way and top-down. You have to remember that work is a social, human endeavour. Leadership was all about authority and power. Leadership still has a responsibility to get people to do things, but not through formal, designation based authority. What we are seeing today is formal authority and the ability to command are decaying. In the future, it will be about power through people and not power over people.
Leaders need to go on a journey to manifest a new type of power and authority because the typical worker won't respond to formal authority. And it's not just the millenials.
If you look at sports, no major championship in a major sport has been won under a dictatorial command and control leader. That wasn't the case ten years ago. We are now seeing a new generation of leaders coming in and as they move up the ranks, they will be connectors and collaborators, you just have to give them some time.
Money isn't the only reason why people stick around. If it was, then loyalties would constantly keep changing. The world is now so hyper connected that whatever connects people to a company is being revealed and people are looking for this human glue.
Earlier there were artificial barriers that enabled you to hold on to people, but that's no longer the case. Leadership is trying to find better adhesion and the best human glue ever created? Values. When people share values and a purpose and mission, they stay together no matter how tough things are. The future of work is work becoming more human. This is a structural shift.
It's a relational world, moving from connected to interconnected to interdependent and the only way to respond strategically is to form healthy interdependencies. And this is where behaviour comes in - how you treat somebody animates your values. According to me, we are in the era of behaviour.
The innovation agenda is going to flip around. Instead of human innovation, we'll have innovation in humanity and a new way of doing business.
Work used to be an affair of execution and implementation. The world was stable so we could use management science to reduce everything down to excel sheets and hold people responsible for it. In an up and down world, everything is a journey. Businesses that get it are led by CEOs who are on a journey. This is replacing execution and implementation.
For the next generation, business and personal life are fusing. Leaders that get it are deliberately and explicitly on a journey. When Unilever's Paul Polman said that the company would not be giving quarterly guidance, the stock took a hit initially, but it's up now. What he did by saying that was create a context for people internally to allow them to think long term, thus changing the culture and dynamics within the organisation.
Even when it comes to sustainability, most initiatives hit the wall because the company has one 'killer app' but they aren't willing to change the culture of the place. You need to take sustainability into the business. All behaviour is animated by values - either sustainable or situational. Increasingly, companies are realising that these initiatives are hitting the wall because the actions are at the surface and aren't backed by sustainable values.
What organisations are facing today is a systems problem. Business is great at systemisation and its time to get equally systematic about the forces that bear on behaviour.

