
Best jobs in the UAE

We all want the best jobs where salaries are high, where work-life balance is good enough to keep us motivated and, most important of all, where stress is bare minimum.
A recent survey by Bayt.com and YouGov, "Top Industries in the Middle East and North Africa" gives a lowdown on what kinds of industries/jobs are perceived to be the best in the country, the ones that meet the above criteria.
The survey highlights that the oil, gas and petrochemicals industry is at the top of the list followed by public sector jobs.
And here's why they believe so. The best salary packages in the UAE are perceived to be in the oil, gas and petrochemicals industry (56 per cent); though government, civil services and utilities are also seen to pay well, according to 30 per cent. Government jobs are also seen as being the best for maintaining a good work-life balance (43 per cent), followed by oil, gas and petrochemicals (33 per cent) and banking and finance (24 per cent).
Oil, gas and petrochemicals offers the best potential for career growth, according to the majority of respondents (44 per cent), with banking and finance coming second (26 per cent). The highest levels of job security are seen to be in the government (42 per cent), though a high degree of security is also perceived to be in oil, gas and petrochemicals (40 per cent) and military, defence, police and security services (20 per cent).
Irrespective of which industry they belong to, a decent number of respondents seem to be content in their professional lives.
In the UAE, 44 per cent of employed respondents are satisfied with the salary package in their current industry, while 47 per cent are satisfied with their ability to maintain a good work-life balance. They are also generally content with the potential for career growth (with 37 per cent being satisfied); job security (46 per cent); working hours (56 per cent); and training and development opportunities (40 per cent). Half - 50 per cent -- are happy with their current work culture, which shows that the UAE's working environment is a happy one.
Respondents also believe that the most stressful industries are construction (30 per cent), banking and finance (23 per cent), advertising, media, PR, market research and publishing (16 per cent), and oil, gas and petrochemicals (16 per cent). Construction is also considered to have the longest working hours by a third of respondents (32 per cent), according to the survey.

