
future hot jobs :Truck driver.

Although the United States adds unemployed population to appear to descend recently,the national jobless rate is still high.The expert estimates that the United States works the instauration of market at least 1-2 years.For all that, some employment foregrounds of professions still keep being optimistic about.Today of 《future popular occupation 》in the series report, we is your introduction:Truck driver.

People often say that the United States is a sedan Kingdom, but makes reference to American economy, then absolutely is the world of truck.The American freight transportation total amount about has 70% to complete to°from the truck.Truck profession to this of parlance BE, truck car wheel and American economy synchronously turn to move.

According to the American Labor Department statistics, the truck transported profession to directly and indirectly provide 9,000,000 employment opportunities in the United States and included 3,500,000 truck drivers among them.The 2010-2011 years profession guidebook of Labor Department says that employment opportunities and economic American period of truck driver are vitally related.At present, along with the gradually sprunging of the economy, the truck driver employment foreground is optimistic about.

The headquarters establishes in capital city Washington suburban area Virginia work properly the profession organization of a county-American truck conveyance the association(ATA) economic teacher tower Wei Ao ·admire virtuous benefit(Tavio Headly) say, the truck conveyance works the extension of market mainly come from future decade increment of transporting the quantity.

Admire virtuous benefit to say:"We lately make the estimate of to suggest, from 2009-2020 years, the American truck amount of freight transportation will increase 30% or so."

Admire virtuous benefit to say, the rebound of American economy, particularly the rebound of manufacturing industry and retail trade, will directly convert into a truck carrying capacity of increment.The American truck conveyance association anticipates, till 2020, the truck freight transportation has the specific weight of American freight transportation total amount to increase to 71% further from current 69%.

The increment of the carrying capacity means an employment market the demanding increment is to the truck driver.The American Labor Department is the latest one period profession guidebook estimate, the employment post of American truck driver will increase 11% during the period of 2008-2018 years or so.

The profession statistics suggests that 900 many ten thousand work posts that support in the truck forward agent are in the middle.About 1/3 is in the wholesale and the retail price section, it is in the conveyance and the public enterprise realm to moreover still have already been close to 1/3.

The profession guidebook of Labor Department reported, another growth motive of truck forward agent was more and more manufacturers to transport long distance the business outside wrap to transport for profession and warehouse company, raised a conveyance efficiency.

Employment post of the increment also produced the problem of labor force supply shortage in the meantime.In the United States, the truck driver usually doesn't need above educational background in the senior high school.But, the truck driver has to own business driver's license(CDL), and the beard pass related driver and technique training, and the crime background investigates.

The research of American truck conveyance association points out that at present, state border long distance truck the conveyance is in need of about 20,000 drivers now.Population composing and current market condition that suppose truck driver maintain constant, this indentation may extend to 111,000 people in 2014 most quickly.

The past 10 years the association's economist admires virtuous benefit to point out, inside, the population of the American truck driver constitute in the age, sex, and educate background the top almost didn't change.But minority of ethnicity's truck drivers increasing is an obvious variety trend.New the emigrant made up a truck to some extent conveyance manpower missing.

He says:"Minority of ethnicity's truck drivers regardless from the number, still keep seeing from the percentage, have all had already shown Zhao to promote for the past 10 years.For example, 1999, minority of ethnicity's drivers share 27% of driver total amount, till 2008, this specific weight promotes to 34%."

The American Labor Department statistics suggests that the average wages of truck driver is USD 18.8 for per hour around and matches salary USD 38,000 for about years, is more slightly low than national average level.Although the wages isn't high,the truck conveyance is a labor union to influence a bigger profession, therefore the welfare treatment of driver relatively has a guarantee.In 2008, about there are 11% of the protections that the truck workers are formal labor union members or be subjected to labor union contract.

