In the past two years the U.S. economy lost more than 700 million jobs. Currently, the U.S. labor force is still nearly 10 percent of people are unemployed. Because of the economic recovery is weak, people expect the unemployment rate may be difficult in the next two years decreased significantly. However, even such a slump in the job market situation, there are some very optimistic about the employment prospects of the industry. Program is a series of reports financial aspect "future hot jobs" in the industry to introduce you to these different work. Today to introduce you to the market and survey researchers.
Members of the market research and public opinion polls is not new. Although this category of work has existed for many years, but in this area continued to be optimistic about employment prospects. Think about whether the company is in business to do business, or political figures of the election canvassing, public-oriented investigations are essential. So, if you are interested to help them analyze data, this line of business is to open the door.
This is a wider scope of industries, both for business customers to conduct market research analysts, including members of a special survey. Headquartered in New York State Council of the United States research institutions (Council of American Survey Research Organizations, CASRO) in the market and the Liaison Officer Art Flanagan (Art Flanagan) said:
"It covers the work of different levels. For example, who handled the investigation to collect data by telephone or the Internet. Some people will need to design the questionnaire, in an appropriate manner, for example, interactive approach through the network to collect information."
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics this work is divided into two categories, one of which is for the businesses to conduct customer surveys, a market analyst. Currently most of such surveys conducted through the Internet and telephone, there are other ways the focus group discussions, mail receipt, and in shopping malls and other public places survey station.
Most consumer product manufacturers themselves or commissioned from time to time will be for the consumer market research for product and service quality survey.
Another researcher is investigating. Their work is to collect and analyze public opinion, but such employees means that those who design and implementation of the survey. The object of both their services, including commercial companies, but also government agencies and political candidates.
Investigator's work can help to make the Principal Financial and policy decisions, to measure the effectiveness of its decisions, and improve customer satisfaction.
The emergence and popularity of new media has expanded, even to some extent the market and the subversion of the traditional mode and scope of investigation and research. For example, the initial investigation to go door to door means the door is not completely gone though, but the Internet and social networking sites have been increasingly used as a new, more interactive survey platform.
Council of American Survey research institutions, said Flanagan, blog-based social networking sites and Internet channels, although the investigation of space affects the practitioners of traditional concepts of this industry, and may be traditional research institutions face new challenges, however, in the final analysis, still needs work in this area of well-trained personnel.
He said: "Even if those opinions over the network, but still need to analyze the traditional way. This information may prompt companies to seek more information. If they are found in the online survey of new problems, they will be more typical, more traditional research, whether on a focus discussion groups, online or telephone surveys or in the way. "
Flanagan believes that the investigation of these emerging forms of actually enriching the market analysis and research approaches, so will promote the industry's staffing needs.
Bureau of Labor Statistics researchers have investigated the market and as popular and is expected to 2018 the number of employees in this area in 2010, based on the growth of 28%. In 2010 the U.S. market and survey researchers about the number of employees 27 million, of which nearly 25 million in market analysis.
According to data provided by Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2010, the market research analyst median income of $ 61,000 annual salary, the highest income 10% above the annual salary of up to $ 110,000; and survey researchers about the value of income over the same period $ 36,000.