
Lego's help student build future careers

Lego's may seem like child's play, but their also building blocks to a future career.
First Lego League is a world-wide robotics program. It's goal is to get kids, ages 9 to 14, excited about the world of science and technology. This year's challenge was Nature's Fury, exploring what can happen when a natural disaster strikes a community.
On Saturday, teams from around region gathered at West High School to put their robots to the test. Teams were judged in four areas: core values, challenge project, robot design and the robot game. Each robot is programed to complete a specific mission or task on a themed playing field. Kylee Peters said her team has been working very hard up to get to this point.
"It's really exciting to be here," said Peters. "And, I'm kind of disappointed because we just ran our robot and it didn't do very well. But I know that we can fix it."
Peters said she wants to be an engineer when she grows up; and, the First Lego League robotics program is helping her get a jump start on her future.

