Total number of U.S. workers: 390,500
10-year growth projection: 18.5%
Annual salary range: $28,120 to $46,280
Typical education: Less than high school
Sorry, would-be-Picassos, but this call for painters is more blue-collar than blue period. In an attempt to lengthen the lives of industrial structures, such as bridges, tall buildings and oil rigs, painters will be increasingly in demand to brush them with protective coatings. House painters should also find no shortage of walls to work on. More people are renting, and landlords need a new coat of primer and paint applied each time a new tenant moves in.
Little experience is necessary; just pick up a brush and learn as you go. But you might benefit from a formal paid apprenticeship. You'll receive technical instruction, including lessons on color matching, application technique and safety practices. You can find registered apprenticeship opportunities in your area through the U.S. Department of Labor. To become an industrial painter, you may need certifications for certain jobs, which can take one day to several weeks to obtain. Find out more from the National Association of Corrosion Engineers.